On Wednesday afternoon, D's coworkers threw us a baby shower which I thought was really sweet of them. A few of the women he works with set up the room and arranged everything. It was so sweet!
This diaper cake is made of non-chlorine diapers (the reason they're beige instead of white) and had a bunch of really adorable necessities on it which I'm sure we'll get a ton of use out of everything! A few minutes after we arrived at the shower, one of the hostesses threw a blanket over the diaper cake and as a game had everyone try to remember what was on the cake. Well, I was trying not to stare it down because I didn't want people to think I was looking at it and examining everything on it even though I really wanted to! So, I only remembered 4 items. The woman who won the game remembered 10 items!
This is D, holding up part of a Janie & Jack sweet pea outfit we got. It's SO cute.
We're so very blessed for the friends we have and the generosity they show to us. I'm trying to stay on top of things by getting thank you cards done for this shower by this weekend. We'll see if that happens!
So, the sweet gal who taught me to knit sent us a gift for the baby. I got it in the mail today and I LOOOOOVE it. I dream of having the skill that she has! I know Amelia is going to get a LOT of use out of this little sweater. The camera makes it look blue, but it's actually a very sweet purple...matches some of the clothes that Amelia has already so it's perfect!
And finally, I took this picture because Tess has taken to laying here sometimes. It's usually while D is gone so I don't know if she's protecting me, watching to bark as people walk by, or if she just needs to use the restroom. At any rate, I think it's cute.
She's gotten much better about her place in the house and realizing that not all dogs get the cush life of sitting on the couch like humans. She still cuddles with us when we're on the couch, but no part of her touches the couch. Right now she's curled up under the coffee table and I can hear her snoring.
I had a doctor appointment yesterday. I turned away from the wall when I was weighed - I don't need to know what that number is...what good does it do me? My doctor scheduled us an ultrasound for 37 weeks which I'm really excited about! They'll measure everything and just generally check on the baby and I'll get to see Amelia one more time before we meet in real life! Her heartbeat at the appointment yesterday was 154 bpm...nice and strong!
Time to fold some laundry and work on my knitting.
My younger sister is officially on baby watch. Her due date is tomorrow so baby Kate can come at any time! Pretty exciting!
6 comments commented:
What a sweet sweater!
what a fun shower! i love the diaper cake and the sweater is so cute!
What a great shower! Love the ducks in the punch :). I may have to steal that idea some time. What a beautiful sweater. Your friend is so talented!
The wall color is PERFECT!!! I LOVE it! I'm not sure if I commented on it earlier or not - I haven't been on much lately and forget who I was going to check back in with ;). Can't wait to see it all finished and put together! Amelia is spoiled already!
what a nice shower! That diaper cake was fantastic! I got one at my shower and used it for what seemed like a very long time!
I got a late ultrasound with Isaiah too but honestly it wasn't as great as the earlier ones. It is amazing how little you can see since they are so huge at that point! It's exciting to think that will be the last time you see her on screen before you're snuggling her in your arms! :)
that sweater was beautiful. Your friend did a great job!
That is the cutest baby shower punch I've ever seen. May I steal the idea for a shower I'm hosting in June?
What a lovely shower! Loved that diaper cake, too cute!
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
Blessings - Debbie
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