The chair rail is installed in the nursery. D just has to putty it and use a wax pen to cover up the nails from the nail gun. It looks really great - we're excited. Then we'll be able to hang the valance and I'll have to start thinking about wall decor. I'm realizing how little storage I have in the nursery...I'm thinking about doing corner shelves since they tend to look less "in the way". The room is really small so we need to maximize the space we have... I drew these up in Publisher this morning and am hoping my husband's brother-in-law will make them for us. If not, then I'm sure D can figure out a way to make them happen. I'd go out and buy them but I haven't seen any that match what I'm looking for.
I was able to put away most of the gifts from the shower but it's driving me crazy not to rip the tags off the clothes and wash them all. I know many people say only to rip the tags off a few of the clothes in case you don't use them but how am I going to do that? I love every single clothing item I have for Amelia already that I can't imagine just not using any. And what a pain to want her to wear something one day that hasn't been washed yet. So, I'm torn. I know I still have a few more weeks before I should wash her clothes but tell me what you did with the tag-ripping/washing.
I spent the weekend sick. It wasn't all bad, I just couldn't breathe and I had to blow my nose every 2 minutes. It's much better today although the sore throat isn't completely gone. I knitted a scarf until I ran out of yarn, only to realize it was too short and I took it all apart. So, I started a new scarf. I'm becoming quicker at knitting but purling takes me longer. So the scarf I'm knitting now has only 1 row of purling and the rest is knitting...I'm getting through it much quicker.
Hopefully only about 4 weeks left of work. Woohoo! When I think about the fact that 4 weeks ago was 2 days before Anna was born, I realize how fast the time will fly :)
OH! We went to the hospital where we'll be delivering and took our car seat with us. We met one-on-one with a certified car seat inspector person and he taught us how to properly install our car seat and also how to properly "install" our baby in the car seat. Helpful stuff.
Sorry for the boring post. I'm going to be calling the Puget Sound Blood Center today to let them know that we plan on donating our baby's cord blood. I'm actually excited about it...there are so many people who can benefit from donated cord blood.
We're heading to Oregon this weekend, hopefully to see my younger sister's baby, but if not then Lindsay will be induced Sunday night and will hopefully have a baby for sure on Memorial Day which D and I will stay for.
Better get back to work. Or something.
Summertime Sweets
8 months ago
4 comments commented:
Take the tags off and wash them. If you don't use them and don't want to save them, you can always donate them to a good cause like the eastside baby corner.
Have you thought about a good closet organizer for Amelia's room? That has made a big difference in storage for the boys' room. And it's hidden! You can DIY or buy premade ones. I'm still trying to figure out where to put #3's clothes, however. I think I'll have to make room in our closet in order to not have to give up my sewing shelf space in the office. Which probably will eventually be one of the kid's rooms!
And awesome about getting the car seat inspected. IMO, super important since riding in the car is one of the most dangerous things kids do! :)
I can't believe your EDD is so close. How exciting!
I've been thinking about the tag ripping/washing thing too. I'm going to have a few outfits ready and hold off on the rest.
Hope you are feeling better!!
We've been having a few high temps around here and my feet are more swollen then they have EVER been before... I barely recognize them LOL!!!
I'm really excited for you. I hope you'll let me and the kids come out to meet Amelia when she's born!
ahhh i've been in the knitted scarf situation before and had to undo the whole thing. i haven't knitted in so long...i may have to pick up my needles and start back up! that's really neat that you went to the hospital and met with the car seat inspector. i look forward to doing that!
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